Sep 16, 2024  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog


Course Changes and New Course Information Program Changes
Admission Changes Financial Information Changes
Area of Interest Changes Transfer Information Changes
Non-Credit Program Changes

Policies, Procedures, & Information Changes

Course Changes and New Course Information


BIO 111 - General Biology Lecture and Lab 4


Demonstrated readiness for college-level English, as determined by college placement procedure, completion of coursework at Kishwaukee College or by transfer credit acceptance policy.

IAI: L1900

Fall, Spring, Summer

Lecture: Three hours lecture/discussion a week and two hours lab a week.

An introductory course of study of biological science. This course includes an investigation of the basic principles of the study of life including molecular biology, cell structure and function, genetics, evolution, and ecology. Not recommended for students intending to major in biology.

Note: Search for available course section offerings: Course Schedule

PCS: 1.1


CIS 285 - Cybersecurity (3)


Lecture: Three hours of lecture/discussion per week.

This course covers essential skills needed to detect and prevent cybersecurity issues facing organizations through analysis of techniques used to breach network security and application of methods to protect system integrity. These include vulnerability assessment, penetration testing, and defense against threats to network devices, servers, and software.

Search for available course section offerings: Course Schedule.

PCS: 1.2


ECE 224 - The Exceptional Child (3) - New Course

Prerequisite: ECE 111  with a grade of “C” or higher

Lecture: Three hours of lecture/discussion per week.

This course presents an overview of critical elements related to educating young children (up
to 8) with special needs.  Descriptions of special needs, inclusive environments, IFSP/IEP process,
partnerships with families, curriculum modification, managing behaviors, trauma informed
care, and the challenges associating with meeting the needs of exceptional learners will be covered.
Study of applicable federal and state laws and requirements will be included.

Note: Search for available course section offerings: Course Schedule.

PCS: 1.1


MA 120 - Anatomy and Physiology for MA (5) New Course


Lecture: Five hours of lecture/discussion per week.


This course is a study of the structure and function of the human body for medical assistants, with an emphasis on understanding each body system and the practical application as seen in clinical practice. The study begins with anatomical and physiological principles and progresses with the basic structure and function of the major systems of the human body.  The course will cover the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, circulatory, blood, lymphatic, immune, nervous, endocrine, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems.

Search for available course section offerings: Course Schedule.

PCS: 1.2


MA 140 - MA Clinical Procedures I (5)

Prerequisite: Program Director Consent


Lecture: Three hours of lecture/discussion per week. Lab: Five hours of lab per week.

This course introduces the skills necessary for assisting the physician with a complete history and physical examinations as well as learning how to obtain body measurements, vital signs, pulse oximetry and spirometry testing. Other topics include infection control and medical asepsis, autoclaving instruments, learning to assist with pediatric examinations, and safety in the medical office.

Search for available course section offerings: Course Schedule.

PCS: 1.2


OS 142 - Contemporary Office Technology (3) - New Course


Lecture: Two hours of lecture/discussion per week. Lab: Lab: Two hours of lab per week.

This course introduces the concepts and functions of software to meet the changing needs of the business community. Emphasis is placed on the use of software through a hands-on-approach.

Note: Search for available course section offerings: Course Schedule.

PCS: 1.2


RA 234 Advanced Clinical Practicum III - course has been withdrawn from the curriculum. 


Program Changes


OS 213 Administrative Assistant Certificate

Curriculum No. 213

A certificate program for students preparing for general office employment in business or government. Requires 30 credit hours.

Fall Semester

OS 101 - Beginning Keyboarding (3)

OS 107 - Employment Strategies (3)

OS 125 - Word Processing/Word (3) *

OS 133 - Spreadsheets/Excel (3) *

OS 136 - Presentation Graphics/PowerPoint (3) *

Total Credits: 15

Spring Semester

OS 127 - Advanced Word Processing/Word (3) *

OS 138 - QuickBooks (3)

OS 142 - Contemporary Office Technology (3)

OS 252 - Office Procedures (3)

OS 253 - Records Management (3) **

Total Credits: 15


*MOS Certification option available

**MOS Outlook Certification option available


OS 445 Application Specialist Certificate

Curriculum No. 445

A certificate program providing training in marketable software application and employability skills. Students will have the opportunity to earn industry Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certifications. Requires 15 credit hours.

Certificate Requirements

OS 101 - Beginning Keyboarding (3)

OS 107 - Employment Strategies (3)

OS 125 - Word Processing/Word (3) *

OS 133 - Spreadsheets/Excel (3) *

OS 136 - Presentation Graphics/PowerPoint (3)

Requirements Total 15


*MOS Certification option available


OS 406 Administrative Professionals, A.A.S.

Curriculum No. 406

The Administrative Professionals degree program is designed for students who wish to prepare for positions as administrative assistants or professional secretaries in business, industry, government, legal or medical offices. The program offers a combination of skill-building and business courses necessary to develop a high degree of competence, as well as general knowledge for the responsible execution of administrative assistant or secretarial duties. Requires 60 credit hours.

First Year

Fall Semester

OS 107 - Employment Strategies (3)

OS 101 - Beginning Keyboarding (3)

OS 125 - Word Processing/Word (3) *

OS 133 - Spreadsheets/Excel (3) *

OS 136 - Presentation Graphics/PowerPoint (3) *

Semester Total 15

Spring Semester

OS 127 - Advanced Word Processing/Word (3) *

OS 138 - QuickBooks (3)

OS 142 - Contemporary Office Technology (3)

OS 252 - Office Procedures (3)

OS 253 - Records Management (3) **

Semester Total 15

Second Year

Fall Semester

BUS 101 - Introduction to Business (3)

BUS 120 - Business Mathematics (3)


ACC 108 - Business Accounting (3) #

COM 100 - Oral Communication (3)


COM 108 - Communication in the Workplace (3)

General Education Electives from the Approved List (6)

Semester Total 15

Spring Semester

BUS 130 - Human Relations (3)

ENG 103 - Composition I (3)


ENG 109 - Introduction to Technical Report Writing (3)

Marketing/Management Elective (3) ##

General Education Electives from the Approved List (6)

Semester Total 15

List of Approved General Education Electives

The Approved General Education Electives must include courses in at least two disciplines.

ECO 160 - Introduction to Economics (3)

ECO 260 - Principles of Macroeconomics (3)

ECO 261 - Principles of Microeconomics (3)

PHL 101 - Introduction to Philosophy (3)

PHL 200 - Ethics (3)

PLS 210 - International Relations (3)

PSY 102 - Introduction to Psychology (3)

PLS 240 - State and Local Government (3)

SOC 170 - Introduction to Sociology (3)

SOC 200 - Race and Ethnic Relations (3)


*MOS Certification option available

**MOS Outlook Certification option is available

# ACC 108 Business Accounting (3) is offered in the spring semester.

## Marketing /Management electives are any courses that have the prefix “MM”



Admission Changes


Financial Information Changes


Area of Interest Changes


Transfer Information Changes


Non-Credit Program Changes


Policies, Procedures, & Information Changes

Assessment: Click on Co-Curricular Assessment Visualization    to view the Co-Curricular SLOs in the graphic format.