Feb 06, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Prior Learning Assessment

Students enrolled at Kishwaukee College may receive college credit for previous experience and learning by one or a combination of the methods listed below.

However, in no instance may a student use any combination of non-traditional learning credits toward more than 75% of the credits required for a degree (A.A./A.S./A.A.S.) or 50% of the credits required for a certificate program. In addition, only 50% of the credits required for any degree may consist of life experience credits. Credit will not be awarded for any non-traditional learning credits which duplicate accredited college coursework already completed.

Credit hours granted through non-traditional learning evaluation (e.g., CLEP, proficiency examination, etc.) may not be applied to meet residency requirements for graduation.

Credit will not be recorded on a student’s official academic record until the student has completed the residency requirements for the degree or certificate program(s) being pursued.

Fees are not charged for NTL credit awarded for learning completed prior to entering Kishwaukee College, except for the proficiency evaluation methods, which involve more extensive administration, evaluation, and recording time on the part of the institution.

Also exempt from fee payment are the evaluations of credit based on outside formal instruction including, but not limited to, unaccredited schools, business colleges, police academies, and/or recommendations of the American Council on Education. Such evaluation is part of the admissions process and is performed by the Student Services Office.

State Seal of Biliteracy

Kishwaukee College accepts the State Seal of Biliteracy as equivalent to two (2) semesters of foreign language coursework taken during high school if a student’s high school transcript indicates the student has received the State Seal of Biliteracy.

Military Transfer Credit Policy

The evaluation of credit for military experience and training is performed by the Student Services Office. Students should submit an official Joint Services Transcript (JST).

  • Military credit is evaluated upon receipt of a Joint Services Transcript (JST).
  • Students who have basic training on their JST will receive 4 credits of Physical Education Elective.
  • Military credit will be evaluated as it applies to a student’s degree program, credit may be awarded as electives, or articulated as Kishwaukee College courses. Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) coursework which is career and technical in nature may be referred for consideration to the department of the program the student is enrolled in for possible articulation.
  • Kishwaukee College uses the ACE Course guide to determine articulation where applicable http://www.acenet.edu/news-room/Pages/Military-Guide-Online.aspx
Advanced Standing

A number of occupational programs may award credit in their programs to students who have completed approved training programs, or who have obtained previous certification of training from recognized state agencies.

If academic credit is granted, students enter these programs with advanced standing status. Acceptance of previous certification training leading to advanced standing credit is determined by the Registrar and the appropriate academic dean.

Advanced Placement (AP) Program College Entrance Examination Board

Students who have taken the College Entrance Examination Board Advanced Placement tests should have official copies of their AP test results sent to the Student Services Office. Credit is awarded to students who have received scores of three or above.

Advanced Placement Program
AP Exam Score KC Credit Kish Policy # Credit Hours
Art 2-D Design 3, 4, 5 ART 211   3
Art 3-D Design 3, 4, 5 ART 212   3
Art History 3, 4, 5 ART 282   3
Biology 5 BIO 201   4
Biology 4 BIO 103 /BIO 105   4
Biology 3 BIO 103   3
Calculus AB, BC 4, 5 MAT 229   5
Calculus AB, BC 3 IAI (GECC) M1900-O 3
Chemistry 5 CHE 210  & CHE 211   10
Chemistry 4 CHE 210   5
Chemistry 3 CHE 110   3
Chinese Language & Culture 3, 4, 5 Humanities Elective 6, 6, 9
Computer Science A 3, 4, 5 CIS 101   3
Computer Science Principles 3, 4, 5 CIS 101   3
Drawing 3, 4, 5 Art Studio Electives, 3 hrs 3
English Language & Composition 3
4, 5
ENG 103 
ENG 103  & ENG 104  
English Literature & Composition 3, 4, 5 Humanities Elective 3
Environmental Science 3
4, 5
BIO 101 
BIO 101 /BIO 102  
European History 3
4, 5
HIS 145 
HIS 144  & HIS 145  
4, 5
French Language & Culture 3
FRN 101  & FRN 102 
FRN 101  & FRN 102 
FRN 101 , FRN 102  & FRN 201  
German Language & Culture 3




Government & Politics, U.S. 3, 4, 5 PLS 140   3
Government & Politics, Comp. 3, 4, 5 PLS 140   3
Human Geography 3, 4, 5 GEO 202   3
Italian Language & Culture 3, 4, 5 Humanities Elective 6, 6, 9
Japanese Language & Culture 3, 4, 5 Humanities Elective 6, 6, 9
Latin 3, 4, 5 Humanities Elective 6, 6, 9
Macroeconomics 3, 4, 5 ECO 260   3
Microeeconomics 3, 4, 5 ECO 261   3
Music Theory 3
4, 5
MUS 100 
MUS 100  & MUS 101  
Physics 1: Algebra-based 3, 4, 5 PHY 150   3
Physics 2: Algebra-based 3, 4, 5 Physics 1 +
3, 4, 5 Physics 2
PHY 250  & PHY 251   8
Physics C, Mechanics 3, 4, 5 PHY 250   4
Physics C: Electricity Magnetism 3, 4, 5 Physics C Mechanics +
3, 4, 5 Physics Magnetism
PHY 250  & PHY 251   8
Precalculus 3, 4, 5 MAT 155   4
Psychology 3, 4, 5 PSY 102   3
Research 3, 4, 5 General Elective Credit 3
Seminar 3, 4, 5 General Elective Credit 3
Spanish Language & Culture 3
SPA 101  & SPA 102  
SPA 101   & SPA 102  
SPA 101 , SPA 102  & SPA 201  
Spanish Literacy & Culture 3
SPA 101  & SPA 102  
SPA 101  & SPA 102  
SPA 101 , SPA 102  & SPA 201  
Statistics 3, 4, 5 MAT 208   4
U.S. History 3
4, 5
HIS 220 
HIS 220  & HIS 222  
World History 3, 4, 5 HIS 172   3
International Baccalaureate Exam (IB)

Kishwaukee College recognizes IB achievement by awarding credits that may be counted towards the number of courses required for graduation up to the maximum of non-traditional learning credits. The official International Baccalaureate transcript is required in order to award credit. Please see Kishwaukee College website - Transferring Credit to Kishwaukee College.

International Baccalaureate Credit
Group Subject
Sub-Group International
Higher level (HL)
Standard Level (SL)
Kish # of
Credit Hours
1 Studies in Language
Language A:
English HL 6-7 ENG 103  & ENG 130   6
SL 6-7 ENG 103   3
French HL 4-5 FRN 101  & FRN 102   6
HL 6 FRN 101 , FRN 102  & FRN 201   9
HL 7 FRN 101 , FRN 102 , FRN 201  & FRN 202   12
SL 4-5 FRN 101   3
SL 6-7 FRN 101  & FRN 102   6
Spanish HL 4-5 SPA 101  & SPA 201   6
HL 6 SPA 101 , SPA 102  & SPA 201   9
HL 7 SPA 101 , SPA 102 , SPA 201  & SPA 202   12
SL 4-5 SPA 101   3
SL 6-7 SPA 101  & SPA 201   6
German HL 4-5 Electives 6
HL 6 Electives 9
HL 7


Humanities Elective



SL 4-5 Elective 3
SL 6-7 Electives  6
Language A:
English HL 6-7
SL 6-7
ENG 103  & ENG 130  
ENG 103  
French HL 4-5 FRN 101  & FRN 102   6
HL 6 FRN 101 , FRN 102  & FRN 201   9
HL 7 FRN 101 , FRN 102 , FRN 201  & FRN 202   12
SL 4-5 FRN 101   3
SL 6-7 FRN 101  & FRN 102   6
Spanish HL 4-5 SPA 101  & SPA 201   6
HL 6 SPA 101 , SPA 102  & SPA 201   9
HL 7 SPA 101 , SPA 102 , SPA 201  & SPA 202   12
SL 4-5 SPA 101   3
SL 6-7 SPA 101  & SPA 201   6
German HL 4-5 Electives 6
HL 6 Electives 9
HL 7


Humanities Elective



SL 4-5 Elective 3
SL 6-7 Electives 6
English SL 6-7 ENG 103   3
French SL 4-5
SL 6-7
FRN 101 
FRN 101  & FRN 102  
Spanish SL 4-5
SL 6-7
SPA 101 
SPA 101  & SPA 201  
German SL 4-5
SL 6-7



2 Language Acquisition Language B French HL 4-5 FRN 101  & FRN 102   6
HL 6 FRN 101 , FRN 102  & FRN 201   9
HL 7 FRN 101 , FRN 102 , FRN 201  & FRN 202   12
SL 4-5 FRN 101   3
SL 6-7 FRN 101  & FRN 102   6
Spanish HL 4-5 SPA 101  & SPA 201   6
HL 6 SPA 101 , SPA 102  & SPA 201   9
HL 7 SPA 101 , SPA 102 , SPA 201  & SPA 202   12
SL 4-5 SPA 101   3
SL 6-7 SPA 101  & SPA 201   6
German HL 4-5 Electives 6
HL 6 Electives 9
HL 7


Humanities Elective



SL 4-5 Elective 3
SL 6-7 Electives 6
ab initio
French ab initio SL 4-5
SL 6-7
FRN 101 
FRN 101  & FRN 102  
Spanish ab initio SL 4-5
SL 6-7
SPA 101 
SPA 101  & SPA 201  
German ab initio SL 4-5
SL 6-7
Electives 9
Classical Languages Not Applicable SL - No Credit Not Applicable 3
3 Individuals
Business and Management

HL 5-7

BUS 101  

SL - No Credit Not Applicable 0
Economics HL 5-7 ECO 260  & ECO 261   6
SL - No Credit Not Applicable 0
Information Technology
in a Global Society
HL 5-7

General Elective Credit

SL - No Credit Not Applicable 0
Geography HL 4-7
SL 5-7
GEO 201
GEO 201
Global Politics HL 4-7
SL 6-7
PLS 140 
PLS 140  
History HL 6-7
SL 4-7
HIS 144  & HIS 145 
HIS 222  
Philosophy HL 6-7 PHL 101   3
SL - No Credit Not Applicable 0
Psychology HL 6-7
SL 4-7
PSY 102 
PSY 102  
Cultural Anthropology
HL 5-7
SL 5-7
ANT 120  & ANT 220 
ANT 120  
World Religions HL 4-7
SL 4-7
PHL 198 
PHL 198  
4 Sciences Biology HL 5-7 BIO 103  & BIO 105   4
SL - No Credit Not Applicable 0
Computer Science HL 6-7
SL 6-7
CIS 106 
CIS 101  
Chemistry HL 5-7 CHE 110  & CHE 111   4
SL - No Credit Not Applicable 0
Design Technology HL 5-7 General Elective Credit 3
SL - No Credit Not Applicable 0
Physics HL 5-7 PHY 150  & PHY 151   4
SL - No Credit Not Applicable 0
Sports, Exercise
Health Science
HL 5-7 General Elective Credit 3
5 Mathematics Mathematics HL 5-7 MAT 150   4
SL - No Credit Not Applicable 0
Further Mathematics HL 5-7 General Elective Credit 3
Mathematical Studies SL - No Credit Not Applicable 0
6 The Arts Dance SL 5-7 PE 140   2
Film HL 5-7
SL 5-7
HUM 150 
HUM 150  
Visual Arts HL 5-7
SL 5-7
ART 211 
ART 211  
Theatre HL 4-7
SL 4-7
THE 203 
THE 203  
Music HL 6-7 MUS 100 , MUS 101  & MUS 102   9
      SL 5-7 MUS 220   3
College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) provides the student an opportunity to receive credit towards Kishwaukee College’s degree and/or course requirements. Kishwaukee College awards credit based on CLEP scores as follows:

CLEP credit will NOT be awarded for any area/course in which credit had previously been earned/awarded; nor will CLEP credit be awarded for any course previously attempted and not completed.

For an evaluation of potential credit through CLEP, the Student Services Office must receive an official examination report for any tests completed. For further information on CLEP registration procedures or credit policies, contact the Student Services Office.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
General Examination Score KC Credit Kish Policy # Credit Hours
Humanities 50 minimum HUM 119  & HUM 129   6
Natural Sciences 50 minimum Sciences 3
Social Science and History 50 minimum Social Science / History 6
Subject Examination Score KC Course  
American Government 50 minimum PLS 140   3
American Literature 50 minimum ENG 211  3
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature 50 minimum ENG 130   3
Biology 50 minimum BIO 103   3
Calculus 50 minimum MAT 229   5
Chemistry 50 minimum CHE 110   3
College Algebra 50 minimum MAT 150   4
College Math 50 minimum MAT 101   3
College Composition 50 minimum ENG 103   3
College Composition Modular 50 minimum ENG 103    
Educational Psychology 50 minimum PSY 210   3
English Literature 50 minimum ENG 130   3
Financial Accounting 50 minimum ACC 108   3
French Language, Level 1 50-58 FRN 101  & FRN 102   6
French Language, Level 2 59-80 FRN 101 , FRN 102 , FRN 201  & FRN 202   12
German Language, Level 1 50-62 Electives 6
German Language, Level 2 63-80

Electives &

Humanitie Elective



History of US I 50 minimum HIS 220   3
History of US II 50 minimum HIS 222   3
Human Growth and Development 50 minimum PSY 280   3
Information Systems and
Computer Applications
49 minimum CIS 101   3
Introduction to Psychology 50 minimum PSY 102   3
Introductory Business Law 51 minimum BUS 256   3
Introductory Sociology 50 minimum SOC 170   3
Precalculus 50 minimum MAT 155   4
Principles of Management 49 minimum MM 162   3
Principles of Macroeconomics 50 minimum ECO 260   3
Principles of Marketing 50 minimum MM 149   3
Principles of Microeconomics 50 minimum ECO 261   3
Spanish Language, Level 1 50-62 SPA 101  & SPA 201   6
Spanish Language, Level 2 63-80 SPA 101 , SPA 102 , SPA 201  & SPA 202   12
Spanish with Writing, Level 1 50-64 SPA 101  & SPA 201   6
Spanish with Writing, Level 2 65-80 SPA 101 , SPA 102 , SPA 201  & SPA 202   12
Western Civilization I 50 minimum HIS 144   3
Western Civilization II 50 minimum HIS 145   3
Departmental Proficiency Evaluation

Students who feel they have already obtained knowledge and skills equivalent to courses offered by Kishwaukee College may request a proficiency evaluation to demonstrate their knowledge level. Such requests are typically based on learning acquired during job experiences and/or private study done over a period of time.

Students who are successful in passing a proficiency evaluation receive credit for the course, and the credit hours earned count toward graduation requirements on the same basis as if the credit had been earned through traditional classroom learning. A performance evaluation of a “C” or higher grade is required for granting proficiency credit; however, no grade or grade points are assigned for the course in which a student receives proficiency credit. An official record is not maintained,nor is course credit granted for proficiency evaluation for grades less than “C”.

If a student does not pass a proficiency exam, he or she will not be permitted to attempt the same proficiency examination a second time.

Proficiency evaluation is not available for removal of “D” or “F” grades received in regular courses. Credit will not be given by proficiency evaluation for courses which duplicate accredited college work already completed.

Proficiency evaluations must be completed in the proper course sequence for each discipline. Once students have received credit for a particular course, either through completion via enrollment or proficiency evaluation, they may not apply for or receive credit for a lower-level course in that same sequence unless approved by the appropriate academic dean.

All other graduation requirements must also be satisfied. The administration of proficiency evaluations is under the direction of the respective division in which the courses are offered for which students wish to receive proficiency credit.

A $15 per credit hour non-refundable fee is charged for the evaluation of each proficiency examination or portfolio reviewed by an instructor. A Proficiency Evaluation form, is available in the Student Services Office. It must be completed and all fees paid in the Business Office prior to commencement of the proficiency examination.

There are two methods of Departmental Proficiency Evaluation. Due to the non-comparative nature of every individual’s experiences and accomplishments, it is the college policy that students desiring proficiency credit(s) will demonstrate their knowledge via a proficiency examination rather than a portfolio of life experiences as long as an examination is available.

  1. A proficiency examination specifying the student’s knowledge of the course material. To initiate proficiency examination consideration, students should contact the Student Services Office.
  2. A portfolio of life experiences presented as evidence that the student possesses college equivalent knowledge or skills demanded by the course.

Students must consult with the Office of Instruction before pursuing portfolio development to ensure that a qualified instructor is available. If no qualified instructor can be located, life experience credit for this course will not be granted.