Jan 13, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog 
2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Course Modifications


AGR 198 Agribusiness Internship

  • variable credit range is 1-4 credits

BIO 112 The Human Body

  • Course is withdrawn from the catalog.

CRJ 288 CRJ Internship Orientation

  • Course is withdrawn from the catalog.

CRJ 290 CRJ Internship

  • Prerequisite: None

ECE 110 Foundations of Early Child Ed

  • Prerequisite: None

ECE 111The Developing Child 

  • Prerequisite: None

ECE 112 Guiding Young Children

  • course descriptions change - Introduction to developmentally appropriate practices in an early childhood setting through discussion. Overview of components, techniques, and curriculum models.
  • Contact hour change - Three hours of lecture/discussion per week.

ECE 223 Science/Mathematics in Early Childhood Education

  • Prerequisite: MAT 068 with grade of “C” or higher or Appropriate Math placement

ECE 280 Early Childhood Ed Practicum I

  • Course title change - Early Childhood Ed Practicum

ECE 281 Early Childhood Ed Practicum II

  • Course is withdrawn from the catalog.

EST 120 Esthetics Procedures II

  • Prerequisites: TPM 112, EST 110, EST 111 with a grade of “C” or higher

EST 121Advanced Esthetics Clinical

  • Prerequisites: TPM 112, EST 110, EST 111 with a grade of “C” or higher

ENG 205 Introduction to Shakespeare

  • Course is withdrawn from the catalog.

ENG 212 American Literature: 1865 to Present

  • Course is withdrawn from the catalog.

ENG 294 Irish Literature

  • Course is withdrawn from the catalog.

GER 101 Elementary German I

  • Course is withdrawn from the catalog.

GER 102 Elementary German II

  • Course is withdrawn from the catalog.

GER 201 Intermediate German I

  • Course is withdrawn from the catalog.

GER 202 Intermediate German II

  • Course is withdrawn from the catalog.

HIS 295 British History to 1650

  • Course is withdrawn from the catalog.

HIS 296 British History from 1650 to Present

  • Course is withdrawn from the catalog.

HIS 297 British Culture and Society

  • Course is withdrawn from the catalog.

HIT 223 Pharmacology and Lab Medicine 

  • Prerequisite: HIT 216 or co-enrollment in HIT 216

MAT 065 Elementary Algebra I

  • Course is withdrawn from the catalog.

MAT 066 Elementary Algebra II

  • Course is withdrawn from the catalog.

MAT 085 Intermediate Algebra I

  • Course is withdrawn from the catalog.

MAT 086 Intermediate Algebra II

  • Course is withdrawn from the catalog.

PSY 256 Theories of Personality

  • Offered: Spring Only


New Courses


BIO 111 General Biology Lecture & Lab

Credit hours: 4, Lecture Hours: 3, Lab Hours: 2


Appropriate placement test scores or ENG-089 with grades of “C” or higher OR ENG-089 or ENG-109 with grades of “C” or higher OR ENG-099 or ENG-103 combination with a grade of “C” or higher

MAT-066 or MAT-068 or MAT-096 with a grade of C” or higher

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

Course Description:

An introductory course of study of biological science. This course includes an investigation of the basic principles of the study of life including molecular biology, cell structure and function, genetics, evolution, and ecology. Not recommended for students intending to major in biology. Three hours lecture/discussion a week and two hours lab a week.

Note: not IAI Biology, elective only


ECE 118 Observe & Assess for Guidance (3)

Prerequisite: ECE 111

Offered: Fall, Spring

Lecture: One hour of lecture/discussion per week. Lab: Four hours of lab per week.

This course will focus on the evaluation, selection and implementation of effective observation, screening, and assessment strategies to inform ongoing instruction.  Legal, ethical, and external factors on assessment will be covered along with appropriate strategies for engaging families in the assessment process.

Note: Students must comply with D.C.F.S. regulations which include a background check, fingerprinting, a physical exam, and references.


Program Modifications

Criminal Justice - General AAS degree, Curriculum No. 228

CRJ 288 CRJ Internship Orientation is no longer an elective.

Crime Scene Processing Certificate, Curriculum No. 218

Total Credit Hours: 15

Program Planner


 Early Childhood Education A.A.S., 62 credits

First Year

First Semester

ECE 111 The Developing Child (3)

ECE 112 Guiding Young Children (3)

ECE 161 Family-Community Relationships (3)

ECE 222 Child Nutrition and Health (3)

ENG 103 Composition I (3)


ENG 109 Introduction to Technical Report Writing (3)

Semester Total: 15 Credits

Second Semester

ECE 110 Foundations of Early Child Ed (3)

ECE 225 Techniques & Curriculum Plans (4)

ECE 118 Observe & Assess for Guidance (3)

COM 100 Oral Communication (3)

MAT 101 Topics in Mathematics (3)

Semester Total: 16 Credits

Second Year

First Semester

ECE 220 Fostering Creative Expression in Young Children (3)

ECE 221 Language of the Young Child (3)

ECE 223 Science/Mathematics in Early Childhood Education (3)

PSY 102 Introduction to Psychology (3)

Early Childhood Education Elective (3)

Semester Total: 15 Credits

     Second Semester

ECE 272 Play and Motor Development (3)

ECE 280 Early Childhood Education Practicum (4)

PE 162 First Aid and Emergency Response (3)

Early Childhood Education Elective (3)

Science Elective (3)

Semester Total: 16 Credits

Early Childhood Education Electives

Six (6) credit hours selected from the following with consent of program advisor.

ECE 210 The School-Age Child (3)

ECE 211 Facility Organization and Supervision (3)

ECE 231 Infant/Toddler Development (3)


Gateways ECE Level 2 Certificate, Curriculum No. 475

Planner Change:

Students who complete the Gateways ECE Level 2 certificate will be equipped with the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to be an assistant teacher in a variety of early childhood programs. Upon completion of this certificate, students will be eligible to apply for the Gateways Early Childhood Education Credential Level 2 through Gateways to Opportunity. Requires 19 credit hours.

First Year

Fall Semester

Total Credits: 12

Spring Semester

Total Credits: 7


Gateways ECE Level 3 Certificate, Curriculum No. 477

31 total Credit Hours

First Year

Fall Semester

ECE 111 The Developing Child (3)

ECE 112 Guiding Young Children (3)

ECE 161 Family-Community Relationships (3)

ECE 222 Child Nutrition and Health (3)

General Education elective(s) (3)

Total Credits: 15

Spring Semester

ECE 110 Foundations of Early Child Ed (3)

ECE 118 Observe & Assess for Guidance (3)

ECE 225 Techniques & Curriculum Plans (4)

General Education elective(s) (6)

Total Credits: 16

Recommended General Education Electives:

Per Gateways to Opportunity requirements 9 semester hours of general education coursework must be completed, requirements are: any Math, English, and general education electives (Psychology, Sociology, Science etc.) These hours must be credit bearing and non-developmental 100+ level. The courses listed below are recommended, however any 9 credit hours that meet the Gateways requirements will be accepted.

ENG 103 Composition I (3)

MAT 201 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I (3)

MAT 202 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II (3)

PSY 102 Introduction to Psychology (3)

PSY 225 Psychology of Childhood and Adolescence (3)

SOC 170 Introduction to Sociology (3)

New Post-Secondary Articulation and Transfer Agreements


Lewis University       2+2 Agreement criminal justice forensics


College Policies & Procedures


Student Identification Cards - Student IDs can be obtained in Student Services (C2100) during office hours. Bring a photo ID, such as a State ID or Driver’s License. Student IDs are needed for Library Services, Media Services, Testing Services, Tutoring Services, and for identification in additional college offices. Your first card is free. Replacement charges apply for a card lost or damaged before its expiration date.


New/Updated Language page 4 of the Student Code of Conduct document


Cheating, such as copying another student’s academic work, paper, exam, quiz, or project, unauthorized use of: calculators, AI tools, browser extension, apps, or other study aids, or the sharing of information during a test through use of personal electronic devices or by other means; or unauthorized collaboration on academic work


Plagiarism, which is falsely representing the work of another person as the student’s own work or failing to properly acknowledge sources of information, including AI generated materials, in the student’s academic work.