Feb 06, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog 
2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College Policies & Procedures

Procedure for the Resolution of Student Complaints

Students may encounter a variety of conflicts during their course of study at Kishwaukee College that may require review by appropriate administrative or academic personnel. The purpose of the following procedures is to provide an equitable system for resolving conflicts between students and faculty or staff members when a review of the issue is not otherwise available under established college policies and procedures. The college has already established appropriate procedures for conflict resolution (Final Grade Appeal, Academic Forgiveness and Judicial Procedures).

Questions regarding these procedures or guidance on the applicability of any Kishwaukee policy or procedure to a student’s specific problem should be directed to the office of the Director of Student Success. Students may also visit the Student Complaint Procedure page on the Kish website.


This procedure applies to all registered Kishwaukee students (full-time, part-time, special programs, Community Education/Continuing Professional Education) and is applicable in the review of problems such as the following:

  1. All aspects of the degree granting process, including grading, evaluation or status (unless established policies are already available).
  2. Alleged professional misconduct toward a student by a faculty or college staff member while in the scope of college employment.
  3. Alleged intimidation, discrimination, and harassment based on sex, race, religion, age, disability, national origin or sexual orientation, and the College specifically prohibits such intimidation, discrimination, and harassment, including sexual harassment. (Title IX and 504 complaints are included.)
  4. Allegations concerning the application or propriety of college regulations, policies, and procedures regarding student rights and behavior.


No student shall be penalized by the college for filing or participating in the complaint process when the student has acted reasonably and in good faith. All complaints must be initiated within 60 days of the date of the incident or after the student should have become aware of the incident giving rise to the complaint. The college reserves the right to waive the 60 day rule based on the facts and circumstances of the complaint and after giving due consideration to the protection of the rights of both parties.

Informal procedures

All students are encouraged to first utilize informal discussion to resolve any problems encountered at the college.

  1. When appropriate the student is encouraged to talk directly to the faculty or staff member prompting the complaint in an effort to resolve the issue.
  2. If the student prefers to talk to someone other than the direct faculty or staff member involved, they are encouraged to present the complaint to their assigned academic advisor or case manager.

To complete the informal complaint form, the student must make an appointment with the assigned academic advisor at www.kish.edu/advising

Each student, faculty member, administrative and staff member has an obligation to resolve problems fairly and informally through discussion between the aggrieved student(s) and the specific college person immediately involved with the problem. Although students are strongly encouraged to use informal discussion for problem solution, it is not a requirement for the filing of a formal complaint.

Formal Procedures

Students should always first attempt to resolve issues through an informal process with the faculty or staff person. If a student is unable to resolve the issue informally they can choose to file a formal complaint.

  1. Student must first consult with the Director of Student Success before filing a written complaint.
    1. Where a previously established grievance procedure already exists the Director will refer the complaint to the appropriate process.
    2. In cases of alleged illegal discrimination based on race, gender, religion, age, marital status, creed, or disability, the Director will contact the Vice President of Student Services prior to advising the student about a course of action.
  2. After consultation with the Director of Student Success, the student may submit to the Director a written statement of the problem in order to continue the formal resolution process.
    1. The written statement must be signed and dated and must clearly state the nature and basis of the alleged offense, the name(s) of the person(s) committing the alleged offense, the specifics of the incident(s) in question and the names of any known witnesses.
    2. The Director will submit the complaint to the immediate supervisor who will conduct an investigation and respond in writing to the student, with a copy to the Director within 30 days of the filing date of the complaint. An extension for additional review may be granted by agreement of the Director.
  3. If the student feels that the decision of the immediate supervisor is arbitrary or capricious or if he/she/they has new evidence to present, he/she/they may appeal the decision in writing to the next level of supervision or an individual designated by the Director of Student Success within 10 days of the decision.
    1. A copy of the appeal must be submitted to the Director.
    2. Upon appropriate review, the appellate determination must be communicated in writing to all parties involved within 30 days of the date of the appeal.
  4. The decisions of the Director of Student Success or appointed designee regarding review and appeal shall be final.

As appropriate, the Director of Student Success may designate different persons to review cases or may consolidate complaints when such action is consistent with administrative efficiency and a fair resolution of the problem. In cases where the complaint itself is frivolous, harassing in nature, or not specific, the Director may refuse to process the complaint. Written notification will be provided.

Threat Assessment

Kishwaukee College is committed to maintaining a safe campus environment for all members of the college community. The Threat Assessment Team supports the campus security plan by responding to reports of students or employees displaying signs of behavioral or emotional distress that may indicate a possible threat to the college. The team will meet on a regular basis to assess referrals, determine appropriate intervention strategies, and effectively respond to incidents of concern.

Team Members:

Vice President Student Services, DeKalb County Sheriff Dept., Director of Student Success, Disability Services, and Director of Campus Safety & Security.

Based on individual cases the Threat Assessment Team will include additional team members consisting of faculty or staff who are connected to the incident being reviewed, specialized treatment providers when needed and the HR department in situations dealing with college employees. Additional information is available on the Threat Assessment Team webpage.

Firearms and Weapons Policy

To ensure a safe environment for employees, students, visitors and those conducting business on campus, Kishwaukee College (“College”) is a weapons and firearms free campus. Except as provided for in this Policy, weapons and firearms of any kind are prohibited on College property, with certain exceptions described below, at College-sponsored or College-related events, and in any motor vehicle owned by the College.

“Weapons” includes but is not limited to firearms (including any gun, rifle, shotgun, pistol, BB or pellet gun, any firearm or device operated by gas or compressed air), knives (3” in length or longer including any bowie knife, spring blade knife, dagger, switchblade knife), explosives, chemical or biological weapons, slingshot, metal knuckles, blackjack, and objects which by use, design or definition may be used to inflict injury upon a person, and any object if used, attempted to be used, or threatened to be used to cause bodily harm. “Weapons” does not include mace or pepper spray type products designed and carried solely for the purpose of self-protection.

The term “firearm” is defined as a loaded or unloaded handgun. The term “handgun” has the same definition as in Section 5 of the Illinois Firearm Concealed Carry Act, 430 ILCS 66/5.

As authorized by Section 65 (a)(15) of the Illinois Firearm Concealed Carry Act, 430 ILCS 66/65 (a)(15), firearms are not allowed on any property owned, leased or controlled by the College. Property owned, leased or controlled by the College includes any vehicle, building, classroom, laboratory, medical clinic, hospital, artistic venue, or entertainment venue whether owned, leased or operated by the College, and includes all satellite campuses of the College. This Policy also applies to all College-related organization property whether leased or owned by the College and all College officially recognized organization property whether leased or owned by the College.

The possession of a valid firearms permit or concealed carry permit does not exempt students, employees, visitors or those conducting business on campus from the provisions of this policy.

Certain College parking areas may be designated as restricted areas where weapons and firearms are not permitted. A weapon or firearm may be transported within a vehicle into an unrestricted parking area if the weapon or firearm and its ammunition remain locked in a case and out of plain view within the parked vehicle.

“Case” is defined as a glove compartment or console that completely encases the weapon or firearm and its ammunition, the trunk of the vehicle, or a weapon or firearm carrying box. The weapon or firearm may only be removed for the limited purpose of storage or retrieval from within the trunk of the vehicle. A weapon or firearm must first be unloaded before removal from the vehicle.


The provisions of this Policy do not apply to the possessions of firearms in College vehicles, College buildings, on College grounds, or at College-sponsored activities if the possession of weapons or firearms is related to one of the following exceptions:

  1. The weapon or firearm is carried by an on-duty law enforcement officer required to carry a weapon or firearm as a condition of his or her employment; the weapon or firearm is carried by an enforcement officer from an external agency conducting official business at the College; or any other exception deemed necessary as determined by the DeKalb County Sheriff’s office located on the College campus.
  2. The weapon or firearm is used in connection with a weapons safety course or weapons education course offered in the regular course of business or approved and authorized by the College.
  3. The weapon or firearm is used in connection with sanctioned classes (e.g. criminal justice), athletics or recreational sports practices, games, matches, tournaments or events on campus when the activity requires the use of such weapons or firearms (e.g., starter pistols and archery).
  4. The use of simulated weapons or firearms in connection with College related theatrical productions.

The exceptions to the prohibitions of concealed carry do not apply to off-duty law enforcement officers on Campus, including off-duty law enforcement officers attending classes as students.

Any individual visiting or conducting business on the property of the College found to be carrying or have carried a weapon or firearm onto the property of the College knowingly, or under circumstances in which the person should have known that he or she was in possession of a weapon or firearm, may be banned from the College campus.

Any student found to be carrying or have carried a weapon or firearm onto the property of the College knowingly, or found to be carrying or have carried a weapon under circumstances in which the student should have known that he or she was in possession of a weapon or firearm, may be subject to discipline up to and including, but not limited to, expulsion from the College.

Any employee found to be carrying or have carried a weapon or firearm onto the property of the College knowingly, or be carrying or have carried a weapon or firearm under circumstances in which the employee should have known that he or she was in possession of a weapon or firearm, may be subject to discipline up to and including, but not limited to, immediate termination of employment, subject to such other employment rules or regulations in place.

Any individual found to be carrying or have carried a weapon or firearm onto the property of the College knowingly, or found to be carrying or have carried a weapon or firearm under circumstances in which the individual should have known that he or she was in possession of a weapon or firearm, may be subject to administrative action by the College and possible arrest and prosecution. Violations of this policy may result in referrals to external law enforcement agencies.

The College’s Campus Security Office, in consultation with the President’s Office, shall determine placement of clearly and conspicuously posted signs at all building and restricted parking area entrances stating that concealed firearms are prohibited. Signs shall be in accordance with the design approved by the Illinois Department of State Police and shall be posted in accordance with any other signage regulations as may be promulgated from time to time by the Illinois Department of State Police.

Pursuant to the Firearm Concealed Carry Act, the College President or designee is required to report to the Illinois Department of State Police when a student is determined to pose a clear and present danger to himself, herself, or to others, within 24 hours of the determination and in accordance with Section 6-103.3 of the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code, 405 ILCS 5/6-103.3. “Clear and present danger” has the same definition as in Section 105 of the Firearm Concealed Carry Act, 430 ILCS 66/105.

This policy is not intended to eradicate or abridge the effect of other existing policies regarding incidents of violence or weapons possession on College premises, at College-sponsored or College-related functions or events, or during times when an individual is acting as a representative of the College.

Smoking Policy

As of July 1, 2015, smoking and tobacco use of any kind is prohibited on all campus property at Kishwaukee College, both indoors and outdoors open spaces, and in college-owned vehicles. The advertising, sale, or free sampling of tobacco products is also prohibited on campus property. Littering the remains of tobacco products or any other related waste product on campus property is further prohibited.

This policy applies to any individual on campus property, including but not limited to students, faculty, staff, other employees, contractors, subcontractors, volunteers, visitors and members of the public, and is applicable twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. It excludes any instance in which an individual is traveling through or parked on campus in a vehicle that is not owned or leased by Kishwaukee College.

“Smoking” means (1) lighting or burning any type of matter or substance that contains tobacco, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, pipes, beedies, kreteks, water pipes, bongs, and hookahs; (2) lighting or burning of non-tobacco plants or marijuana; and (3) using electronic cigarettes.

“Tobacco Products” mean all forms of tobacco, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, pipes, beedies, kreteks, water pipes, bongs and hookahs, electronic cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, snuff, chewing tobacco and any non-FDA approved nicotine delivery device or product.

“Campus Property” means any property owned, leased, occupied, operated or otherwise controlled by Kishwaukee College, including but not limited to academic and auxiliary buildings, classrooms, laboratories, elevators, stairwells, restrooms, roofs, meeting rooms, hallways, lobbies and other common areas, conference facilities, athletic complexes and facilities, exterior open spaces, shuttle bus stops, driveways, loading docks, sidewalks and walkways.


Individuals found to be in violation of this policy shall be fined pursuant to 410 ILCS 82/45. Employees of Kishwaukee College who violate this policy may also be subject to additional disciplinary actions up to and including termination. Students may be disciplined pursuant to the Student Code of Conduct.