Students interested in obtaining an A.A. degree with an emphasis in a specific discipline should work with their academic advisor on recommended course sequences to transfer to a four-year institution.
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in the upper right corner of the page for a printer friendly version of the program planner with the courses you need to take.)
Graduates earning the Associate in Arts meet the requirement for coursework on improving human relations as defined by Public Act 87-581, revised PA 90-0655. Courses meeting this requirement are designated with a ■ .
Curriculum No. 100
General education provides students the knowledge and abilities necessary for future growth as lifelong learners. The abilities of a generally educated person include, but are not limited to, reading, writing, listening, speaking, observing, calculating, and using technology.
General education attempts to develop the following: general knowledge, intellectual concepts, a system of personal values/responsibility, higher level skills in communication/quantification/thinking, and understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures/environments.
Institutional Student Learning Objectives are divided into four broad categories: Critical Competency, Creative Competency, Communicative Competency, and Cultural Competency. A complete list of the Student Learning Outcomes are available from the Office of Instruction.
Kishwaukee College is a participant in the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI), a statewide agreement that allows transfer of the completed General Education Core Curriculum between participating institutions. Completion of the General Education Core Curriculum at any participating college or university in Illinois assures transferring students that general education requirements for an associate or bachelor’s degree have been satisfied. A receiving institution may require admitted transfer students to complete an institution-wide and/or mission-related graduation requirement beyond the scope of the Illinois General Education Core Curriculum.
These requirements are effective for students entering Kishwaukee College or any participating Illinois college or university in summer 1998 or later. Students who entered Kishwaukee College prior to summer 1998 may choose to complete the requirements listed below or choose to follow the requirements listed in a prior catalog according to the choice of catalog policy.
A minimum of 64 credit hours are required for the Associate in Arts degree or the Associate in Science degree. In fulfilling the required hours for the degree, no more than four hours of physical education activity courses may be used to fulfill the minimum hours required. Within the 64 hours, the following must be completed: