Sep 07, 2024  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

EST 121 - Advanced Esthetics Clinical (3)

Prerequisite: TPM 112 , EST 110  and EST 111 with grades of “C” or higher
spring, summer

Lab: Eight hours of lab per week.

In this student clinic, individuals will have the opportunity to apply the principles, techniques and procedures practiced in advanced professional esthetics. Under the supervision of the clinic supervisor, students will be expected to demonstrate proper client/therapist communication skills, adequate sanitary precautions, perform techniques that are within the scope of training and practice of commonly recognized esthetics disciplines, demonstrate safe and effective use of equipment, and properly document the session for the client’s record. Students will be expected to treat two or more clients consecutively.

Note: Search for available course section offerings: Student Schedule.

PCS: 1.2